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Value: $126

Today JUST: $33

You will receive PDF files that you can use on repeat each year! View from your phone or tablet or print to keep by your closet. Printing instructions are included with an option to add an already-printed and bound copy that we ship to you!

Items you're purchasing today:

The What-to-Wear 12-Month Outfit Calendar (Daily outfit idea split into both Monthly and Weekly views for each month--90 outfits per season: spring, summer, fall, and winter-- Over 400 unique outfit ideas! Printable for unlimited use year over year!) - $49

BONUS #1: Amazon Clothing Shopping Guides for the whole family with links to highly-rated essentials on Amazon (for free shipping and free returns!) - $10

BONUS #2: Packing Made Easy (Printable Lists for Every Trip) - pre-planned checklists to make packing for trips a breeze! - $37

BONUS #3: Mini course with videos showing you how to use the wardrobe checklist and outfits + how to customize it to your colors and style preferences - $10

  • Total payment
  • 1xALL 12 MONTHS: The What-to-Wear Outfit Calendar 5th Ed. with Packing Lists & Amazon Shopping Guides$33

All prices in USD

"It’s a cheat sheet to fashion! 

Love the calendar! It’s like a daily meal plan for your wardrobe. The calendar has helped remind me of combinations I’ve forgotten or hadn’t even considered before! Try it, you’ll love it!"

- Meg

Outfit Calendar Customer
